11 copywriting formulas to write a perfect hero tagline for your SaaS

Sep 16, 2024

Toni Hopponen

Recently, I wrote a copy for a SaaS landing page, but the hero text and main tagline didn’t feel right. 

The hero wasn’t compelling and didn’t communicate what the company does and what the key outcome for customers is.

So, I started searching for inspiration and quickly found quite a few copywriting formulas that are useful not just for me but for all SaaS marketers.

In this blog post, I’ll introduce you to 11 hero text copywriting formulas (with real-life examples) that you can use when writing your next landing page.

11 powerful SaaS hero text examples and copywriting formulas

1. Air

A SaaS website hero text example

Let’s start with Air and its smart search feature that allows marketing and design teams to find creative assets instantly.

The hero text copywriting formula they use is:

It’s a new [capability] for your [jobs-to-be-done].

And the hero tagline says:

‘It’s like Googling your creative work’.

In general, the website hero section’s copy is smart and inviting. 

The tagline provides a clear sense of what the feature or solution does, while the supporting text 'instantly find the assets you’re looking for' explains the benefit. 

Air’s product page copy strikes a great balance between creativity, clarity, and everyday language.

2. DayDream

A website hero text example

DayDream provides a specialized billing and insurance claims system for dental clinics, and their homepage has a great SaaS copywriting example for you to follow.

The hero tagline copy text follows this formula:

Make [time-consuming task or problem] our job, not yours.

And the hero title text says:

‘Make dental billing our job, not yours’.

This simple yet effective approach highlights how DayDream solves a specific issue and workflow, avoiding tired terms like "end-to-end" or "all-in-one” solution.

3. Dosu

A SaaS website hero text example

Our third hero text copywriting formula is live on Dosu’s homepage. Dosu provides tools for developer teams who struggle with keeping codebases organized and up-to-date.

Their hero text copywriting formula is:

[Time-consuming task] should be [adjective] than [jobs-to-be done].

And their hero tagline says:

‘Maintaining code should be easier than writing it’.

When crafting a hero title, you can start with the primary problem your solution addresses.

Developers worldwide will tell you that maintaining a codebase is tough – while writing new code is far more enjoyable. 

You can use the same strategy by pairing the problem and time-consuming task you solve with phrases like "should be easier, faster, cheaper," and so on. You can either leave it as a statement or compare it with your customer’s most important jobs-to-be-done.

This specific approach works even better if you decide to use the PAS copywriting formula for the whole landing page. Some of the best SaaS websites add a problem section straight after the hero element, followed by a solution tackling the problem. The Problem-Agitation-Solution (PAS) model gives you a shortcut to show that your SaaS truly understands the customers’ pain points.

The problem section on Lemlist’s landing page is a fantastic example.

A problem section on a SaaS landing page

4. Fathom Analytics

A SaaS page hero text example

Fathom Analytics is one of the few new solutions that were created at the time of GDPR legislation becoming a hot topic in Europe. Fathom provides a privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.

The copywriting formula is simple:

A [category leader] alternative with [benefits].

Fathom’s main hero text is:

‘A Google Analytics alternative that's simple & privacy-first’.

I wouldn’t recommend this copywriting formula to every SaaS, but in this product category and with Fathom’s privacy-centered focus, it works.

Usually, a SaaS website hero section should explain what the product does, but since the audience is likely familiar with Google Analytics, Fathom Analytics highlights its emphasis on privacy instead.

5. Hey

A SaaS website hero text example

Just like Fathom, Hey is going against competitors. But instead of naming one competitor, they have chosen whole categories of email and calendar apps that are tied together.

The straightforward hero text formula is:

We finally fixed [category].

And Hey’s hero title says:

‘We finally fixed your email + calendar!’.

Their hero section adopts an "us vs. them" approach, claiming that the major players haven’t advanced the email experience as much as they could (or should) have. It is a bold claim – proceed with caution if you're considering a similar tactic.

6. InfluenceKit

A hero text example on a SaaS landing page

InfluenceKit is a tool for marketing teams and agencies struggling to track their influencer marketing campaigns.

The hero text tagline is using this formula:

[Jobs-to-be-done] just got [adjective].

And InfluenceKit’s hero text says:

‘Measuring your influencer campaigns just got easier’.

It’s a straightforward and relatable tagline for those involved in influencer marketing campaigns and highlights the time-consuming and painful task (tracking results). The hero title and the description below neatly summarize InfluenceKit’s value proposition.

7. Loom

A SaaS website hero text example

Loom is on a mission to remove unnecessary meetings with an easy-to-use video recording and distribution tool.

Their hero tagline follows this formula:

Do/focus on [jobs-to-be-done], not [time-consuming task].

And Loom’s hero text is:

‘Share a video, not a calendar invite’.

It’s such a short but clever piece of copy. We've all experienced meetings that could have easily been replaced by an email, a Slack message, or a quick voice/video note. Especially with the concrete description text below, it’s a fantastic example of SaaS landing page that converts.

8. Mercu

A website hero text example

Mercu’s automated interview scheduling feature is built for hiring teams that need to send a lot of emails and calendar invites and struggle with a manual process and high no-show rates. 

The simple copywriting formula is:

[Capability] and [outcome].

And Mercu’s hero text says:

‘Automate interview scheduling and reduce no-shows by 33%’.

Sometimes, the best taglines don’t try to do anything special. Simply tell what you do better than the customer’s current solution and what’s the outcome they get. If you can quantify it like Mercu (a 33% decrease), it’s even better.

Combine Mercu’s approach with a perfect SaaS landing page template, and you are set for success.

9. Slite

A hero text example on a SaaS landing page

Slite is built for growth companies that might use Notion or a similar app as a company knowledge base but struggle to keep the content organized and up-to-date.

Slite’s hero tagline formula is:

Your [category or jobs-to-be-done], [benefit].

Slite’s hero text copy is:

‘Your company knowledge base, on autopilot’.

As a marketer, it’s tempting to be clever and insert wordplay in your hero tagline. But when you step back and review your work through your customer’s eyes, you’ll quickly notice that keeping things simple in your copy and landing page design is often the best approach. 

I’d probably edit the description and ‘with Slite's collaborative knowledge base, powered by AI’ to avoid repetition and AI, but other than that, Slite’s SaaS landing page is a great example for you to follow.

10. Supahub

A SaaS hero text example

Supahub’s feedback boards feature helps product teams collect user feedback and visualize it for all customers. 

They have a lovely approach to the hero text and use this formula:

Give your users [outcome].

Supahub’s tagline says:

‘Give your users a place to give feedback, and share ideas’.

A SaaS product page copy that combines the customer and their customers is very powerful. Not only does it tell what the product does, but it also touches the emotions of the SaaS buyer in a wholly different way. When done right, the SaaS buyer can imagine themselves successfully using your SaaS product features and providing value to their customers.

11. Twist

A hero text example for SaaS

Last but not least is Twist, which offers a Slack alternative with fewer interruptions and scattered messages.

Twist uses a copywriting formula:

[Jobs-to-be done] that won't become a [problem].

Twist’s hero text says:

‘Work communication that won't distract you all day’.

Start by choosing the main problem your solution addresses and then convert it into a benefit. In this case, Twist targets the common issue Slack users face – constant notifications interrupting their focus. With one concise sentence, Twist conveys both what they offer and the value to the visitor. The description then explains how the app resolves this issue should they choose to switch from Slack.


Now that you’ve seen 11 powerful hero text formulas in action, it must be clear that crafting the perfect SaaS copy isn’t about reinventing the wheel – it’s about finding the right balance between clarity, creativity, and customer focus. 

Next time you're like me and unhappy with the copy – or staring at a blank hero section – try one of these formulas and watch your SaaS copy resonate instantly.