Hey 👋
I’m Toni, founder here at LandingRabbit.
When I ask SaaS marketers if creating marketing pages is a pain, they answer, “Obviously!”.
I’ve experienced the pain, too.
And I’m myself to blame.
In my SaaS companies, product development needs have always come first, marketing second.
It means marketing page projects get delayed.
Time and time again.
In the past, I blamed our custom-built websites. Those pages had a fast user experience and beautiful design, but we lacked easy and scalable tools for marketers.
Only after discussing this with other SaaS marketers did I realise that I was not alone.
And that the custom websites are not the ones to blame.
Like many other SaaS marketers, I’ve always had to choose from two bad options:
1️⃣ Waiting for design and dev resources to become available.
2️⃣ Design and build as much as I can myself reusing old templates.
The first option means weeks and months of waiting time. First, I wait for a designer to be free from other projects. Then, I see when I can get the developer’s time. There’s always something more urgent to do than marketing pages.
The second option allows me to move forward on my own, but the results aren’t always pretty. Tweaking old templates in website builders and trying to manage content creation, design, and page development takes time and shifts my focus away from what really matters: building pages that match customers' expectations.
We are building LandingRabbit to make sure SaaS marketers don’t need to wait for resources or spend time tweaking the same templates in landing page builders.
Instead, creating landing pages should be as easy as writing a text document, and you should be able to copy and paste your work to your existing website without relying on designers and developers.
Does that sound exciting? Request early beta access, and I’ll help you get started.
Here, for SaaS marketers,
Toni Hopponen
Founder at LandingRabbit