How to write an irresistible value proposition for SaaS landing pages

Jul 23, 2024

Toni Hopponen

Your SaaS value proposition guides all activities from sales and marketing to product development. You get it right, and SaaS landing page copywriting feels like a breeze.

Many blog posts give you examples of hero taglines written based on a value proposition – but they forget to show how you can write one.

In this blog post, I’m looking to help you write a SaaS value proposition using a simple but powerful template – and show you some of the best examples from others.

Create an irresistible SaaS value proposition statement

Your SaaS value proposition statement should answer the following:

  • Who is the solution for?

  • What exactly do you offer?

  • Why should your customers care?

Or as the legendary startup professor Steve Blank puts it, “We help (X) do (Y) by doing (Z).

It all sounds very simple.

Until you start writing.

When writing a landing page value proposition for LandingRabbit, I’ve found a framework by Fletch to be one of the most helpful.

Six SaaS value proposition components: persona, alternative, problem, capability, features, and benefits

You can break the value proposition statement into six concrete components:

  • Persona: Who is the target customer?

  • Alternative: What tools and processes are they currently using?

  • Problem: What challenge is my target customer encountering?

  • Capability: What unique advantage does my solution offer?

  • Features: What features enable the delivery of the unique advantage?

  • Benefits: What does the customer receive? What's the value for them?

By having six separate components – each with a clear purpose, you avoid writing a generic statement.

For example, here’s our value proposition for LandingRabbit:

“LandingRabbit helps B2B SaaS marketers in SMEs (Persona) who currently build fully custom landing pages or rely on ready-made templates (Alternative). They struggle with slow copywriting, design, and development processes, leading to increased marketing costs and low customer growth (Problem). LandingRabbit makes it lightning-fast to publish landing pages on any existing SaaS website built on WordPress, Webflow, Hubspot, and more (Capability). The platform dynamically generates high-converting page structures, copy texts, and on-brand designs based on the campaign’s intent and marketing channel (Features). Marketers get rid of the design and development bottlenecks, save on marketing costs, and increase conversion rates (Benefits)."

The value proposition itself doesn’t go into your website – its purpose is to guide your content creation.

If I’d use the value proposition to create a wireframe of a new website hero section, the copy texts could be something like:

  • Title: Publish new landing pages on your SaaS website. Lightning-fast.

  • Description: Forget the design and dev bottlenecks. Turn your copy into high-converting landing pages, instantly ready for your website.

A SaaS value proposition and landing page hero section example

Can you see what makes the value proposition statement so powerful? It’s the North Star for your copywriting.

A simple story answering six concrete questions makes it easy to check if your copy text ideas match the value your SaaS creates.

When writing your SaaS value proposition statement, pay extra attention to these points:

  • Your SaaS will have many value proposition statements. In fact, every landing page you create should have its own statement.

  • The “Alternative” means much more than competitors. When purchasing a SaaS solution, the buyer is replacing their existing processes, which can include multiple tools and services or be fully manual work at the moment.

  • If you change any component, especially the persona and problem, you’ll most likely need to rewrite the whole statement. It’s very unlikely that the exact same capabilities and benefits can serve multiple audiences, and the challenges each audience faces are likely to be different.

  • Value proposition statements aren’t static. They evolve as your SaaS business grows and your product offering expands.

Three SaaS value proposition examples

Before you dive into examples, one important note: the value proposition statements are fictional and based on the homepage copy texts at the time of writing. While they might not be perfect, I’m hoping concrete examples will help you write your SaaS value proposition and high-converting copy texts.


A SaaS value proposition and landing page hero section example

Penpot’s hero section tagline, “Design and code beautiful products. Together.” and description, “Penpot is the web-based open-source design tool that bridges the gap between designers and developers.”, give website visitors a clear idea of what the software does, who is it for, and what’s the key benefit.

Also, the whole homepage uses the PAS copywriting formula (Problem, Agitation, Solution), which makes my job a lot easier.

Here’s how I’d write a guiding SaaS value proposition for Penpot:

"Penpot is for software teams (Persona) who are designing products and features in Figma (Alternative) but face challenges in the transition from design to final product (Problem). Penpot makes it easy to export designs as code (Capability) while offering robust design, prototyping, and collaboration tools (Features). Penpot enhances product quality and saves time in the product development process (Benefits)."


A SaaS value proposition and hero section example

Loom’s recently updated hero text, “Let a video message do your talking” and description, “Easily record and share AI-powered video messages with your teammates and customers to supercharge productivity”, are nearly perfect.

With the actionable language (let, record, share, and supercharge), focus on benefits without forgetting to tell what your solution does (record and share videos), and use of second-person pronouns (you, your), Loom’s marketing team hits all key ingredients of a high-converting SaaS copywriting.

It wasn’t difficult for me to draft a value proposition statement for Loom:

“Loom is designed for sales teams (Persona) who are currently using traditional screen recording tools like QuickTime (Alternative) and struggle with efficient recording, editing, and sharing videos (Problem). Loom simplifies the process of creating personalized video pitches (Capability) with its user-friendly recording, editing, and sharing features (Features). Loom enhances efficiency and productivity (Benefits).”


A SaaS value proposition and website hero element example

If you are not a sales and business development expert, Clay’s tagline “Scale personalized outreach with better data enrichment” might sound foreign to you.

However, for their target audience, Clay solves a problem that makes building high-converting cold email outreach campaigns challenging – the lack of personalization.

While Clay’s product is relatively complex, they have made the right choice by leading with the key differentiator (personalization based on automated lead research). The cold email outreach tool market is incredibly competitive, but most competitors won’t be able to solve this specific pain point for their customers.

The SaaS value proposition for Clay is:

"Clay is designed for sales teams (Persona) who are using cold email outreach tools (Alternative) but find it difficult to personalize messages at scale (Problem). Clay automates lead research tasks (Capability) through integrations with over 75 data enrichment tools, enabling automated and personalized outreach (Features). With Clay, sales teams can send more relevant outreach messages at scale and boost conversion rates (Benefits)."

SaaS marketers need to create landing pages all the time – for Google Ads, SEO, social media, and many more marketing activities. With an irresistible value proposition statement and powerful landing page generation tools like LandingRabbit, your copy texts match users’ expectations (message match), and you convert more visitors into leads.

Do you find creating SaaS landing pages too slow? With LandingRabbit, you can turn your copy into high-converting landing pages, instantly ready for your website. If you’d like to be the first in line to get access, sign up for our waiting list today.